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PandoriumX Loader 3 | PX Tracker | XenoBot | Cronos Bot | RedBot Pro
BBot | PX MC | Tibia Maps [All Versions] | PX Games

@  Kingtin : (09 July 2024 - 13:10)

ZeroBot it's currently the best Bot for Client 13 out there, first and only one with working cavebot etc... as of today, I wouldn't recommend going for Validus when you have Zero that's more complete.

@  FULL AFK : (07 July 2024 - 12:48)


@  oskar1337 : (26 June 2024 - 11:43)

@lysyking validus

@  Zekiv : (17 June 2024 - 13:37)

@Gordonfreeman75 I still popup from time to time to check how are things here, all is good. How are you guys?

@  Gordonfreeman75 : (17 June 2024 - 10:54)

@Zekiv Hey there Zekiv! So long without seeing you here :D I hope all is great :)

@  Gordonfreeman75 : (17 June 2024 - 10:54)

@seba2412 Hey mate :)

@  Zekiv : (16 June 2024 - 14:54)

Damn not much changed here. I can see lots of people still come and blindly ask for bots :D. Im glad you guys are still alive and kicking!

@  seba2412 : (07 June 2024 - 15:07)

hi :}

@  Taraz101 : (03 June 2024 - 0:30)

Aurera Global is Good

@  Rews : (26 May 2024 - 20:49)

any bot for 8.0 client?

@  FULL AFK : (25 May 2024 - 20:49)

any servers 10.xx?

@  Glosnek12 : (26 April 2024 - 17:19)

any bot for treasura?

@  Freekz : (25 March 2024 - 21:24)

Meant for staff sorry

@  Freekz : (25 March 2024 - 21:24)

Yo @Pandoriumx members, Are you planning to crack validus? It's currently the top bot for client 12-13 I believe!

@  Toga. : (28 February 2024 - 15:09)

Anyone know if a bot is up for Tibiantic?

@  meska95 : (27 February 2024 - 16:21)

hello , is there any bot for tibia 13+ ots without the need to install

@  Gordonfreeman75 : (01 February 2024 - 22:26)

@FULL AFK Hi there :)

@  FULL AFK : (18 January 2024 - 14:24)

long time no see ;d

@  lysyking : (13 January 2024 - 16:34)

yo anyone know tibia 13 bot working on ots?

@  Gordonfreeman75 : (07 January 2024 - 16:20)

@akerman94 Can you send me the link by PM?

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